“Sovereignty and Sanctities: Contemporary Expressions of Sacred Legitimacy and their Political Implications”
“Entangled Worlds: Sovereignty, Soil and Sanctities” aims to address issues relating to new populisms, sanctity and soil, the changing nature of theopolitical charisma, and the sacralization of new and old forms of sovereignty. The Sovereignties and Sanctities Workshop is the first of four that will be held over the space of two years.
Some of the questions we would like to discuss in this workshop are: What are the political implications of claims to sacred legitimacy under current conditions? How does claiming some version of divine presence shape forms of political inclusion and exclusion? What might be the political common ground between aggregations that follow different theological inspirations, disciplines and imaginations?
Click Here For Registration (Free)
When: Thursday 17th of January (9am-3.30 pm), Friday 18th of January (9am-1.15 pm)
Where: Victoria College, Alumni Hall
Speakers include (see poster attached): Charles Hirschkind (Anthropology, UC Berkeley); Elettra Stimilli (Philosophy, La Sapienza); Jayne Svenungsson (Religious Studies, Lund University); Armando Salvatore (Religious Studies, McGill); Alejandro Paz (Anthropology, UofT); Jeremy Stolow (Communication Studies, Concordia University); Secil Dagtas (Anthropology, University of Waterloo); Ulrich Schmiedel (Divinity School, University of Edinburgh); Meaghan Weatherdon (Studies of Religion and Environmental Studies, UofT); Sonja Luerhmann (Sociology and Anthropology, Simon Frazer University).
Commentators: Filippo Osella (University of Sussex); Rafael Sanchez (Graduate Institute, Geneva); Patricia Spyer (Graduate Institute, Geneva), and UofT Faculty Carlota McAllister, Nada Moumtaz.
Click Here For Full Schedule of the Workshop
For further information, please email: entangledworlds.anthropology@utoronto.ca